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Establishment Decision N0 39/HDH-QD dated 20 January 1994 issued by the IO
  1. Studies on the characteristics of the interaction between the ocean and atmosphere in tropical regions.
  2. Studies on the distribution, structure and variation of hydrological fields of South China Sea and adjacent regions; the influence of hydrometeorological processes on the marine environment.
  3. Investigation on lithodynamics for the coastal zone and the principal causes which control the process of coastal lithodynamics and change in the terrain of the coast, seabed, rivulets and estuaries.
  4. Collection of necessary technical parameters to service coastal and continental shelf project design.      
  5. Modeling and calculation of the process of lithodynamics.
  6. Studies on the physical oceanography of the South China Sea and adjacent continental shelf and coastal waters.
  7. GIS and Remote sensing methods for the study and management of the marine environment and resources.
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