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   The Ninh Hai Coral Reef Project is under the framework of the UNEP-GEF South China Sea Project entitled “Resersing Environemtal Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand”.

   The Ninh Hai Coral Reef Project entitled “Demonstration of Sustainable Management of Coral Reef Resources in the Coastal Waters of Ninh Hai District, Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam “ is funded by GEF and co-funded by Vietnam’s Government.

   The project is managed by United Nation Environmental Program (UNEP)_GEF Implementing Agency while Vietnam Academic Science and Technology (VAST) is the Line Agency and Institute of Oceanography (IO) is the Executing Agency.

   Location of project implementaion is the Ninh Hai District (Ninh Thuan Province) where has distribution of some 1,070 ha of coral reefs with 40 ha of seagrass beds along the coast. The project duration is from 7/2010 – 5/2013.

Project goal and objectives

   The overall goal of the project is to reduce enviromental stress on transboundary water body of the South China Sea and Gufl of Thailand through the futher elaboration of the draft Strategic Action Program and the implementation of a network of demonstration activities at sites of regional and global significance.

   The objective of the project is to demontrate measures to reduce the stress on regional significant coral reef and seagrass habitats connected to the South China Sea for conservation of critical marine biodiversity, prevention of future ecosystem degradation and sustainable utilization of coastal resources at the site.

Project benefits

   The benefits derived from the project includes ecosystem benefit that is protection of coral reef and associsted habitats, transboundary benefits that is conservation of spawning and nursery grounds for fish and other marine animals of transboundary significance, and local benefits that is increase alternative opportunities for sustainable income-generation.

The anticipated outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Area management improved through cross-sectorial and participatory Approaches.
  • Outcome 2: Pressure to coral reef ecosystems derived from unsustainable livelihoods is reduced.
  • Outcome 3: Knowledge and skills for the management of coral reef habitats are increased.

Project Components

  • Component 1: Improving Area Management through cross-sectorial and participatory Approaches.
  • Component 2: Pilot projects on sustainable income-generation options.
  • Component 3: Capacity building and awareness raising.


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